Me and my group are deep into the production process of our documentary Beyond the Music.
Overall, production is going well. We have most of the footage we need and are currently working on a rough edit before seeing if we need to go back to the music shop to record any extra footage.
As a production team, we are working very well together. Everyone is getting a say in what should be done in terms of work to do before the completed as well as possible scenes to include in the film.
One issue we have had to deal with, however, is everyone's differing schedules. I am on a different course than the rest of my group which has lead to a number of times when they have been able to film footage for the film, but I have had to be in a lecture or doing other work. Another member of my group lives considerably further away than the rest of us, making it sometimes difficult for her to come to London last minute. She also works all day on Tuesdays which cancels any possibility of shooting on that day.
During moments when we are actually recording in our location, we are regularly reminded that we are in an actual place of business. There were a number of instances in which we had to pause the interview with our subject so he could speak to his customers. Although, this did allow us the film some shots of him interacting with the vast array of people who walked in. This is going to be great for the film in the end as it will suggest a friendly atmosphere for our subject and the music shop in which he works.
As we continue the editing of Beyond the Music we are looking forward to showcasing the finished product and taking feedback from our peers to improve the film before the deadline.
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