When you're a studying at university, you are constantly reminded that this is the final step before we enter the real world. Because of this, I have to think to myself "What do I want to do with my life? Where do I see myself in 10 years time?"
I am currently studying Media and Communications at the University of West London. The sector of Media that I specialise in is Radio. I have had two and a half years of experience in community radio and have started being involved with Blast, UWL's student-run station. Due to my background in this format, I would like to further my skills so I can pursue a career once I graduate.
Radio is a constantly evolving format, especially in our modern, digital age. Recently, many stations have put a lot of time and effort into making digital content for websites such as Twitter and Snapchat as to gain notoriety on Social Media. It's been said for many years that Radio is a dying medium. I feel that it's willingness to adapt to new technology plus the added fact that musicians still wish to promote new songs on the radio show that there is still life in this format.
The roles that I have performed in radio are Presenter & Producer. I enjoy hosting my evening music show Anything Goes as well as managing the studio for The Rhythm and Flow Show. However, these are both very difficult roles to turn into a career. I would like to learn about more job opportunities in the radio industry, especially with my chance for a work placement during my second year of University. I hope to speak to some of the lecturers at UWL, before the end of next semester, about what could be arranged. Luckily living in London, the commute to any placement will be convenient.
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